All Hack Oregon projects are open source and built by an interdisciplinary team of volunteers. We strive to have a mixed teams of varying levels of experience to work together to solve civic data problems and build skills, which you can get training for through Hack University courses.

What to Expect

Weekly contribution time is estimated anywhere from 3 and 10 hours a week, which includes weekly in-person build sessions (fueled by pizza)

Our Fall/Winter project season will run from October 2016 - March 2017

  1. Pre-production phase: October - December:
    • Training through Hack University courses
    • An A-Team of experienced volunteers will begin project work and preparation, ramping up to the production phase
  2. Production phase: January - March:
    • A-Team will be joined by volunteers that have completed training
    • Project teams will work together to complete projects by the Demo Day deadline
    • Closer to the deadline, we’ll have a Buildathon hackday to work toward project completion with the help of community volunteers outside of the project teams